June 19, 2010

Mail from Annie

HELLO! Here is Annie angain! Since Coco and Mathilde posted an article about New Zealand recently... I thought I would share my experience of New Zealand aswell.
A few years ago I visited New Zealand with my family. It was really great. Auckland, one of the biggest cities on the north isaland, is wonderful. Some of the most striking things I remember are: There is a television tower which you can bungee jump off! And a lovely harbour with a beach. It is very green, and even the busses are green!
The native * people, the Maoris, are very integrated into soceity. And there are lots of great, modern museums. Also, one place you should go if you make it to the other side of the world is the Mauka Gallery. There is a gallery JUST FOR CHILDREN. People over 18, are not allowed in. You can walk around and admire (bewundern) all the prints, and you can also buy work. So that children can afford it, it doesn't cost $20000 but only $20. So you can buy your very own piece of art, from a real artist, for very little money. I bought a print called "Looking for Budapest". It's great! So, should you ever happen to be in the Southern Hemisphere, take a stop in Aukland for a lovely, interesting and inspiring week!
See you soon, love Annie
* einheimische
© Annie/C.P Fotos: Hier!

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