Design & Styling / Nathalie Boeri Van der Zee
Model / Giovanna Boeri Van der Zee
As promised here are finally more photos of the shoot I did in Amsterdam. The piece is from a collection called KIDULT and since I doubt that I could explain this as good as the designer herself I asked her to give you a little introduction so here we go:
Wie versprochen hier endlich mehr Fotos von dem Shooting in Amsterdam. Das Kleid/Outfit ist ein Teil von Nathalies KIDULT Kollektion und ich glaube kaum, dass ich euch das Konzept so gut erklären könnte wie sie, also hab ich sie gefragt, ob sie was dazu schreiben kann, und voila!
"Hey there! My name is Nathalie, I’m 20 years old and am currently studying Fashion & Design at AMFI – Amsterdam Fashion Institute. I was really lucky to have Clara helping me out with the photo shoot for my final assignment of the 1st year. My collection is called K I D U L T and it is supposed to represent grown-ups that still feel like a child at heart. This does not mean you’re necessarily childish or silly but you just have the feeling of pretending to be something you are not. My “persona” is constantly searching for a “Neverland” that does not exist, she is just misplaced in the middle of the world we live in but still happy because at least this place exists in her imagination. The collection is open for interpretation but the main purpose is to bring across that you are never too old to be young. I hope you guys like it! Thanks again Claralein."
Nathalies Instagram: @thechildinme_nathvdz
my girls! i couldn't be more proud of you!!
ReplyDeleteWow! Tolle Idee und tolle Umsetzung!
ReplyDeleteWow, richtig Schön!
ReplyDeleteDie Farben sind ein Traum!
Liebe Grüße,
Die Bilder sind soo schön. ♥
ReplyDeleteHaben etwas sehr Verspieltes und die Farbgebung ist zauberhaft. :)
Alles ♥
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