April 17, 2016


It's April and my last life update post was in January. What. How did this happen? I cannot believe how the past months have been rushing by: only two and a half more months and I am done with my first year at uni, a few more weeks until spring break and Portugal and definitely too little time until my statistics exam next week. Too little. But I've been planning to give a short life update for more than a week now and is there a better time to work something off your to do list when you really could use some time learning flashcards or trying to find out how to handle Excel? 

Even though it hasn't been often since the beginning of the year spending some time in Düsseldorf is always good. Amsterdam has more and more become my home during the past months but coming "home" is always something different. 

The weather is getting nicer and nicer which makes it harder and harder to stay inside and study. I just love getting up early, enjoying the silent uni building in the morning, getting all my stuff done and the going outside as fast as possible. Or at least, that's the ideal plan. Doesn't always work out, but I give my best. 

Or we just go and spend too much time sitting in cafés, with open books and laptops and a lot of coffee and carrot cake. And sometimes we're even quite productive. 

Friends visiting is always the best, not only because I finally have a proper reason to leave campus and spend time in the center. Cosi was here for a weekend, and then Maja, and I had a wonderful time with them, cycling around and exploring the city, showing them my favourite cafés and bars and looking at old photos and videos.  

I spent easter in France and had a wonderful time with my family and friends, it was all about eating lots and lots of croissants, baguette, homemade jam and chocolate eggs, going for long walks and cuddling with the cutest cats. We also went to the seaside for a day, it was rainy and windy but we walked along the beach had a picknick in the sand and nothing else matters really.

Apart from all that time has just flying by, so many events, so many essays and exams, so much cycling around. I started running again and it has never felt that good. Discovering new routes around the area and seeing that I get better and run faster and longer from week to week is just the best feeling.

I really, really will try to post a little more often but I cannot promise anything, I have never been busier in my whole life and enjoy it so much but all this leaves little time for blogging. I have another one or two posts prepared though and will give my best to give updates a little more often than every two weeks. 


  1. Soo tolle Fotos! Und ich wünsche dir ganz viel Glück und nicht so viel Stress!! :)

  2. ooooooooh ich beneide dich sooo dermaßen um dein leben und deine
    zeit in Amsterdam . was studierst du dort .?und auf welcher uni .?

    liebe grüße

    1. hey hey! ich studiere am Amsterdam University College und major in Psychology und Sociology :) liebe grüße!!
