April 07, 2010

Weltenbummler: Zu Besuch bei den US-Amerikanischen Verwandten

Hey Leute. Meine Freundin aus London verbringt ihre Osterferien bei ihren Verwandten in den USA. Ein guter Anlass um das Wissen in zwei Hinsichten ein wenig zu erweitern: unser Alltag-Englisch und unsere Kenntnisse über das typische Amerikanische Leben. Und - TADAA! - hier schon der erste Brief aus den USA.
Have fun: Eine von der C&M-Redaktion

Hello! My name is Annie*. I am a friend of Coco&Mathilde´s and I am going to be writing a little article in English every now and then! At the moment I am in the USA visiting my uncle. He lives here, with his wife, their two dogs and 6 horses. They live near a large mountain called Mount Shasta and yesterday I went skiing for the first time! It was amazing! I had a lesson in the morning and after lunch, I was able to ski with my family already! It was really fun. Today is Easter so we went for an Easter Walk and made our own Easter eggs! Yummy! They were made with hot choclate powder, honey, peanut butter, coconut oil, raisins and mineral powder. Anyway, thats all for now, maybe next time I will give you the recipe for the chocolate eggs. Lots of Love!

* Name von der Redaktion geändert

1 comment:

  1. Hi Annie, hope you had fun in the US. I'm a Yankee, meaning I originally come from Connecticut. From there we used to go skiing in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, upstate New York and even in good old Conn. Looking forward to the recipe for the chocolate Ester eggs - they certainly sound yummy!
